Monday, November 4, 2013


Today I helped out at Oxbow Elementary to get service hours for NHS.
After doing research for the ethnography, I discovered that I am now observing different groups of people that I encounter.
I watch as the teacher interacts with other teachers, trying to figure out how a new app works on their tablets. I also watch the kids interact with the teacher, and how the react to me being in the room now. It actually is really interesting when you don't have to write a paper about it.
I introduced myself to the kids today, and they asked questions like "What's your favorite color?" "How many brothers and sisters do you have?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" "Do you make out with your boyfriend?"
I didn't answer the last question. Obviously.
I also learned that classes now are integrating special needs students more into the classroom, instead of having them in a special class. I think that's a great idea, because they get the interaction with other students that they need, but I need to ask the teacher if they get any special work or go to a tutor for part of the class to receive extra help. They need to be treated like children, instead of special help cases, though.

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