Monday, October 21, 2013


I was planning on going to the daycare today in order to get 2 of my last four hours in for my ethnography.
Except that I didn't.
At this point in the ethnography, I don't know what to write in my notebook for observations. I just have to write whatever the adults are talking about. The first couple days I am able to write descriptions of the people, the rooms, the objects they use, but after I got all of the descriptions down, I was sitting, waiting for something to happen.
Is this the part of the project where you slowly start to immerse yourself into the culture itself? Interacting with the group, becoming one of them, etc?
Honestly at this moment I am far too tired to really be thinking deep about anything.


  1. I understand completely what you are feeling Clara, I have the same thoughts in regards to my own research as well. There comes a point in time ( I believe) that there really isn't anymore we can observe without throwing ourselves into their culture and participating in their day-to-day activities, which I would actually find really hard for you cause I don't think you could easily rewind the clock and become a four-year-old who goes to daycare anymore (:

  2. Challenge Accepted.

    It's true though, I try my best to start being more involve and talking to the teachers and caretakers at the daycare, but I'm not allowed to actually help out or take care of the kids, really. At the moment, I just try to interact as much as I can without getting in the way of anyone, with the mindset that everyone in the room is either 8 years older or 14-15 years younger than me.
